Why truth is ‘difficult’

2. Relativism vs. Pluralism
2.1. relativism- hidden dangers
2.2. by definition, truth is absolute and exclusive
2.4. tests for truth
2.5. why truth is so ‘difficult’
Further to the irrational, though strong trend of relativism described above, considerable obstacles in comparing ideologies in search for truth are certainly the differences between the worldviews themselves.
As the well known, best selling author Ravi Zacharias observed, the Middle Eastern world of Islam sees truth as ‘revelation’, the Hinduist and Buddhist Far East sees truth as ‘intuitive’, the West thinks truth is ‘reasoned’ and the secular man places his own happiness above anything else. Considering the above, no wonder any debate -that is not governed by strong self control and peer love and respect- goes into a real nightmare. Zacharias rightly adds: “How does anyone reason against intuition, revelation and personal happiness, when each comes with proportionate passion and conviction…?”* (See more reasons why at Mission)
However, since reason is at the basis of human progress and it is reason that stands at the foundation of reality -including justice- reason should also stand at the basis of any ideology. This means that any statement made by any belief system should pass the 5 tests of truth –logical consistency, empirical adequacy, experiential relevance, undeniability, unaffirmability– in justifiable ways.
(*Reprinted by permission. ‘Can man live without God?’ by Ravi Zacharias. Thomas Nelson Inc. Nashville, Tennessee. All rights reserved.)